Thursday, November 15, 2007

Wednesday got hectic

I swear I was on my way to the Apollo Heights show at The Annex. Michael G. sent me his review of the band in the recent village voice and the CD title alone caught my attention. "White music for Black people." Yo, that's freaking genius.

Wednesday got hectic

Just the night before, Buttah's boy Stephon Marbury bump his head. Got into a shouting match on the team flight to Phoenix with coach and team President Isiah Thomas over the notion of coming off the bench. After landing in Phoenix where the 2-4 Knicks was to play the Suns that evening and, the beginning of a brutal west coast trip. Your boy Starbury hopped back on a plane back to NY vying to "get Isiah" before he "gets him." Steph, who and the phuck do you think you are, dude! You're bugging and need to grow up. In 11 seasons as a player you haven't won anything. So you got money, the Starbury shoe deal is a good look from someone who is perceived as being selfish, but dude, you've been a big disappointment. I can count on one hand the games I remember you taking over, putting the team on your back and winning in a big situation. C'mon, who are you talking to. Isiah - Hall of Famer, 12-time All-Star, 1990 Finals MVP, 2 times Champion and one of the NBA's 50 Greatest Players, could suit up today and take you to school. Sure your career numbers are decent. I've seen you work hard, especially last season, but dude. You get hurt and disappear when the team needs you the most. Btw, who is the Knicks strength and conditioning coach. He needs to find a new job.

So, with the pending return of Steph last night from the game with the Clippers, a myspace message and phone call from a friend with new location for a gig, i jump out of the shower and the phone rings. It's my partner in checking in and we starts discussing some biz.

45 minutes later Steph and Isiah are on the tube making up like mother and son. I'm gonna miss the show so I decide to just go scout this new location. Like Jimmy Castor says, the new spot has "p-o-t-e-n-t-i-a-l pooootential."

I know this is a bit usual but I mentioned in the previous post, I love NY at 3am. It's charming and Wednesday nights at APT are legendary. It was a little after 3 when I arrive so I went straight downstairs. I usually stop in upstairs to check DJ Akalepse cause he's no joke, but Rich Medina is one of my favorite DJ's. He just has it, nothing else. He's is that dude. And, I had forgotten King Britt was the guest DJ. Cool, I had never heard him spin. I'm geeked, cool, let me get a Stella and enjoy the ride. Whoa, there's a new female bartender? APT gets extra tips for bringing in a sister. Plus, she is a cu tie! The music is sounding extra freaking loud, Rich and King are mixing back and forth doing two's. Oooooooo, 4:15 and the place is still crowded.

Breaking news, Barry Bonds was just indicted on federal perjury and obstruction of justice charges. I guess you can start to polish that ball with an asterisk. Thursday just got hectic for Barry.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

These three words...

I saw a movie today titled Zeitgeist. It reminded me of how simple and complicated life can be. More importantly however, it left me with a clear message that in this world our lives are so fragile.

So, for today and for perpetuity I say,

Love is all we need

Love to the world

I Love You


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Wash your Hands

My Mom was would always go off he deep end if I came in from outside when went straight to the refrigerator without washing my hands. Well there seems to be "real" reasons why we all should be washing our hands more often than not.

There is a new drug resistant bacterium that has claim the life of a 17 year old in Virginia last month and, most recently has struck down a teenager in my hometown of Brooklyn, NY. "60 Minutes" did a piece this past weekend about Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Dubbed the "super bug" this “drug-resistant bacterium” has been know to teachers, public heath care officials, and doctors for years, but is just now receiving some attention. Perhaps it's because our city, state and government officials can no longer hide all of the many death related illness is bacteria is claimed over the last three years. Interesting enough when I the started the research to write this blog. I googled to the CDC. One would think there would be info on the front page, not.

Anyhow, I write as a warning for us all to be aware of how we go about living. It's time for us all to wake up, stop being selfish, and help to deter the spread of the deadly bacterium. Doctors said, "one possible explanation for more cases is people's overuse of antibiotics; washing hands thoroughly is the best way to protect yourself."

I guess Mom was right.